Jumat, 09 April 2010

Bagaimana Mencari Uang Dari Situs PTC

Ada Ratusan Peluang untuk Mendapatkan penghasilan dari bisnis internet Terutama Bisnis PTC dan yang akan saya bagikan ini merupakan cara yang paling mudah dan sederhana untuk mendulang dollar , dimana saya sudah menjalani dan sangat cocok bagi anda yang masih pemula sekalipun.

Jika anda ingin mengetahui bagaimana saya bisa mendulang dollar dari bisnis PTC ini maka situs ini bisa anda rekomendasikan untuk mendapatkan dollar dari sekarang ini....

Dan Menariknya lagi saya akan bagikan E-book Gratis untuk anda karena sudah berkunjung ke rumah online saya ini, Anda bisa mempelajarinya E-book ini kurang dari 24 jam dari sekarang. KLIK DISINI.....

Anda bisa memiliki penghasilan Pasif Income Sedikitnya Rp 300.000 Perhari Hanya Mengandalkan dari bisnis PTC ini, Dan Langsung Masuk Kerekenin Paypal/AlerpayAnda. Saya Sudah Mengalaminya, Anda PUN BISA, Asalkan TAHU ILMU-NYA.

Saya Bisa Membantu Anda Mendapatkan Penghasilan Secara Online, Ya Anda Hanya Perlu Menerapkan Metode Yang Benar Untuk Memulai Bisnis Internet dari Sekarang.

Sebuah Rahasia Yang Berhasil Saya Pecahkan Dari Seorang Guru Internet Marketing Yang Membocorkan Rahasianya Tentang Bagaimana Cara Dia Menghasilkan $549,784 Secara Autopilot Dari Bisnis Internet.

Setelah saya bisa memecahkan Rahasia Tersebut penghasilan internet saya pun meroket sampai $ 9,715,68 Di Account Payapal Saya.

Setiap anda membuka suatu halaman dari PTC anda menemukan iklan dihalaman PTC tersebut. dari sanalah situs PTC mendapatkan uang untuk membayar anda. Bagaimana cara anda dibayar? melalui PAYPAL & Alerpay(Mata uang online)

Selanjutnya dari Paypal langsung ditranfer ke bank Anda dindonesia (BCA, Muamalat, BRI, BNI, Keterangan tentang Paypal LIHAT DISNI..,untuk keterangan tantang Aterpay click DISINI,,lalu Berapa Anda Dibayar,, Sebagai ilustrasinya kami gambarkan sebagai berikuti:,,!

Dari berbagai bisnis PTC kita akan diberi bonus bonus sekian persen dari penghasilan harian referral kita yaitu Level 1( 20 %),Level 2 (5 %),Level 3 (2 %),Level 4 (1 %),Level 5 (1 %),

Ok mari kita hitung pendapatan kita,jika asumsi kita sehari bisa dapat 0,33 atau kita pilih nilai yg lebih kecil lagi, misalkan sehari kita cuma bisa dapat $0,3 dan asumsikan kita cuma bisa ngajak 10 orang buat joinmaka perhitungannya:

Level -------------- Jumlah ------------------------------ Penghasilan

1 ( 20 % )--------- 10 ----------------------------------- 0,3 X 10 X 20 %-----= $0,6

2 ( 5 % )---------- 10 X 10 = 100 ------------------------ 0,3 X 100 X 5 %---- = $1,5

3 ( 2 % )---------- 10 X 10 X 10 = 1.000 ----------------- 0,3 X 1.000 X 2 %--- = $ 6

4 ( 1 % )---------- 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 = 10.000 ----------- 0,3 X 10.000 X 1 % = $30

5 ( 1 % )---------- 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 = 100.000 ----- 0,3 X 100.000 X 1% = $300

---------------------------------------------------------- Total = $338,1 / hari
Wah Kereeeen kan?

Faktor kegagalan pasti ada! Ok misalkan kita cuma berhasil 40% saja dari perhitungan itu maka hasilnya adalah $135/Hari! Masih merasa nggak mungkin? Ok kita turunkan lagi, misalkan keberhasilan kita cuma 5% X $338,1 = $16,9 kalau dikonversi ke rupiah kurang lebih Rp 150.000. Hasil ini tidak bisa dicapai oleh semua orang! Dibutuhkan kerja sama antara Anda dan referral yang harus rajin mensupport referral dibawahnya.

Jika nilai diatas masih belum tentu kita capai,baiklah kita asumsikan lagi kita cuma berhasil 1% dari system komisi referral PTC ini tersebut maka 1% X $338,1 =$ 3,3 atau sekitar Rp30.000/hari , Lumayankan?

Perhitungan di atas berdasarkan kita cuma bisa ngajak 10 orang buat join di system PTC,Kalau kamu bisa ngajak lebih banyak lagi,coba aja hitung sendiri..
Apa bisa jadi uang nyata?

Kenapa tidak? Hasil pendapatan kita di PTC bisa diitransfer ke rekening online PayPal
SAYA TERTARIK INGIN JOIN,, ANDA CLICK DIBAWAH INI. dari gambaran ini saya hanya mengilustrasikan satu situs PTC saja,,, bagaimana jika anda mampu melakukannya dalam jumlah yang banyak tentunya anda tahu sendiri jawabannya.

Tips Menghasilkan Banyak Uang Dari Bisnis PTC

Oke mungkin sekarang anda sudah tertarik tentang bisnis PTC Ini, atau Sekarang mungkin anda bertanya : bagaimana untuk bisa mendapatkan uang dari program PTC ini?

Jawabannya mudah, yang jelas anda harus disiplin dan mau melakukannya setiap waktu dan sehari minimal 5 menit saja untuk satu program. lakukan beberapa tips dibawah ini

Anda Bisa Mengikuti banyak program dari PTC sekaligus

login setiap hari segara melihat iklan terbaru! klik semua iklan yang ada, semakin banyak anda mengkliknya maka semakin banyak uang yang anda hasilkan

Anda Bisa Mencari donwnline/referal sebanyak mungkin
setiap anda mendaftar dari situs PTC pasti mendapatkan URL referral, dari sinilah anda bisa mengajak teman-teman bergabung dari referal anda dan sebarakan kesemua orang dari blog anda

Anda Bisa Mengupgrade account Anda !
Kalau anda banyak uang (egold/alerpay,,) dan mampu melakukan upgrade, lakukanlah. sebab dengan melakukan upgrade uang anda dapatkan dari tiap klik akan semakin banyak.

Anda Bisa Meningkatkan Pendapatkan Dengan Mencari Referal,, Buat Blog.Cantumkan link affiliasi anda disana, sehingga bila ada orang yang tertarik mendatar pastinya di bawah anda. dengan demikian anda akan mendapatkan komisi dari referal dibawah anda bila mengeklik iklan setiap harinya. :

Supaya mudah, saya pilihkan beberapa program yang bagus untuk diikuti dan terbukti membayar. Untuk detail programnya dapat dilihat disitus masing-masing. Setelah mendaftar jangan lupa untuk mengaktifkan-klik serta mencari refferal/downline, supaya cepat mendapat uang.

Berikut situs PTC yang direkomendasikan:

My Favourite Traffic Exchange Sites:

- EasyHit4U - the best traffic exchange program for me! You also can earn money by clicking, but the best for bringing traffic to your website!

Popular 1:1 Traffic Exchange

- Click Voyager - Great Traffic Exchange site, with lots of bonuses, games like "Hangman", where you can win free credits and nothing to lose! Daily lotery, you can win upgrades, free credits etc. Recommended!

- - Traffic Splash - one of the top Traffic Exchange sites with lots of bonuses and promotions. Why pay for traffic, buying ads if you can exchange it with other users? Provided you have time.

Great For Advertising and Traffic Exchange Websites.

- PPLinx - Honest owners, same as Earn.bz, great advertising deals! I often buy ads there,
cheap prices. More stable.

- RBClicks - Nicely designed, fast working website, looks similar to the one above. Great ads packge deals. I can't say it's fast earner, actually you can make money, but the clicks rates are cheaper. Wesbite has lots of daily clicks!

- VelvetClix - design looks like for ladies :). Layout very similar to the two above. Nothing much to add. Easy to work with, great ads package deals. I buy ads from them to get traffic. And doing some clicks sometimes also.

Per click : 0.008 Per ref click : 0.002 Ads per day : 4 Payout : $4.00 Method :
Alertpay / Paypal Payment time : 7 days and INSTANT for premium members !
Payment proofs : My proof 1 , Proof 2 , Proof 3 , Proof 4 Forum : Yes Online
since : 8 October 2009 Comment : You can refer 50 people as a
standard member.

Your click from : 0.00125$ till 0.005
Ref click : 40% - very good!
Ads to click : 10
Paid To Signup : 0.05$ - 0.10$
Promote CashnHits 0.00001$(0.10$ PTP CPM).
Payout : in 24 hours - 7b days PayРal/AlertPay.
Amount of direct referrals : unlimit.
Minimum to payout : $3.50 ($2.00 for upgraded members).
My payments :

Upgrade : YES $24/Monthly Forum : ++ Ads : 6 +
Up to $0.02/$0.01
Up to $0.03/$0.015
Standard: $5 (1-2 Bus Days)
Premium: Instantly


$0.00800 for your own clicks.
$0.00400 for your 1st tier referral's clicks.
$0.00300 for your 2nd tier referral's clicks.
$0.00200 for your 3rd tier referral's clicks.
$0.00100 for your 4th tier referral's clicks
$0.00400 for your rented referral's clicks.
200 rented referrals limit

Superior Membership

$0.01000 for your own clicks
$0.00700 for your 1st tier referral's clicks.
$0.00500 for your 2nd tier referral's clicks.
$0.00400 for your 3rd tier referral's clicks.
$0.00200 for your 4th tier referral's clicks
$0.00700 for your rented referral's clicks.
400 rented referrals limit.

STANDARD: Click $0.005 - 0.0125, Ref Click 50%, max 6 Ads.
Cashout $2.00 Min. Instant PREMIUM: click $0.005 - 0.015 ,
Ref Click 100%, max 15 Ads. Cashout $2.00 Min. Instant PAYMENT METHOD:
Alertpay and / or Paypal 50% refback for those who wanted to join RAGEBUX.
You will earn from your own clicks and from me (50% of each ref click).

HatBux - Hats off to HatBux!
Earn up to $0.01 per click.
Earn up to $0.01 per referral click.
Instant Payments and Receiving System.
Detailed statistics of your referral clicks.
Payments via AlertPay.
Professional Support.
Advertise your website.
Add your rotation plan Instantly.
Choice of multiple advertisement packs.
Detailed statistics on a GeoMap.
Anti-cheat protection.
New type of advertisements.

STANDARD: Click $0.007, Ref Click $0.004, 5Ads min. Cashout $2.00 Min. 30 days,
AP-PP VERIFIED: Click $0.008, Ref Click $0.004, 5Ads min. Cashout $2.00 Min.
Instant Payment, AP-PP PAID: Click $0.01, Ref Click $0.005, 5Ads min.
Cashout $2.00 Min. 30 Instant Payment, AP-PP PREMIUM: Click $0.012,
Ref Click $0.008, 9Ads min. Cashout $2.00 Min. Instant Payment,
AP-PP50% refback for those who wanted to join INCRASEBUX
You will earn from your own clicks and from me (50% of each ref click).
Just Click the banner of the site you want to join and send me an email to byronleosac@yahoo.com.mx and tell me the name of the site you joined,
your username, and your Alertpay email for your payments.
I'll pay you every time you reach the minimun payout of $1.00. Remember,

Here in the world of WarpBux, you can earn an extra stream
of income by completing simple tasks; We have advertisers
that will pay you real cash money to simply view their
websites, and other advertisers will pay you even more to
join their various programs! Our premium advertising
services present an excellent opportunity for you to get
valuable traffic to your site at very affordable and
competitive pricing. As any internet businessperson will
tell you, quality traffic equates to quality leads and
customers.# Cheap prices # Quality Memberbase # Real-time
Stats # Daily Unique Visitors # Anti-Cheat measures # Over
2000 hits for only $1.9* # Paid To Click, Read # Paid To
SignUp # 24 hrs Payments* # $0.05 Cash For Sign Up # PTP
$0.1 CPM (free) # Payout at $0.5 ($0.2/upgr.)

New Trusted and Paying Site.
Earning money with TrekPay is much easier than most PTCs.
No counter time when you are clicking ads.
You will receive credits for the ads you view.Each ad will credit
the members account with 1 or 3 credits.Credits will be converted
once a week to cash. The more credits you get, the higher your ranking.
More credits - more earnings.
New advertisements added many times daily.
You can have unlimited referrals
Minimum to Cashout: $5.50
Payment: 1 week via Paypal

We offer all features of today's PTC technology, including instant
purchase processing and referral renting. The possibilities outlined:
Platinum Members

• Earn up to $0.01 ( 2 USD cent) per click
• Earn up to $0.004 per ref click
• All Members paid Instantly
• Minimum Payout $ 1.00
• Upgrade Memership 1 Month $ 7.95
• Direct referrals up to 200
• Renting, Recycling and Extending referrals
• All Members paid Instantly
Standard/Premium/Gold Members

Daily ads: 10+
Earning per click: $0.005-0.001
Paid to signup: 90+ offers
Earning per signup: $1-0.30-0.15
Ref earnings: 30%
Minimum payout: $5.50 via Paypal / Alertpay (24h)

Earnings: 2 ways to earn - PTC and Matrix
PTC - Up to 0.5 cent per click, viewing time: 30 sec.
Matrix- Gold membership of $12. $2 for each direct referral plus $1.50 (first level),
then $0.50 (second level) and so on. For more details, visit the site.

20 - CashSwing

Owner: Miguel Caetano
Online since: February 2009
Gains per day just by clicking: about $0.03
Direct referrals limit: no limit
Referrals levels: 1 level (40%)
Payments by: Paypal
Cashout: $1
Others: many offers to complete, portuguese PTC

My payments received: $1

Recommended! Standard Member : $. 0.003 per click 11 cent Payout--
Alertpay/Paypal/Liberty Reserve You can earn upto $ 0.02 - 0.04 daily

1 Cent Paid To Click $0.0025
#1 Cent Paid To Read $0.005
#10 Cent Paid To Signup $0.05
#Click Exchange
The click exchange allows you to click for unique traffic rather than cash.
When you click, you will receive a 4/5 ratio, meaning you will get 5 unique
hits for every 4 links you click
#Paid To Promote

#Low Payouts $1.00.


At Paid2YouTube.com, you get paid to view YouTube Videos.
The process is easy! You simply click a video and view to earn money.
You can earn even more by referring friends.
You'll get paid $0.005 for each video you personally view,
$0.10 for each comment you leave,
and $0.35 for each subscription you make.
You'll also get paid $0.001 for each video your referrals view,
$0.01 for each comment your referrals leave,
and $0.10 for each subscription your referrals make.
Payment requests can be made every day and are processed through PayPal.
The minimum payout is $10.00.

Jillsclickcoerner : up to $0.002-0.001/click | %5/ref earnings - Payout = $1

Recommended! Standard Member : $0.0025 per click $1
Payout-- Alertpay/Paypal You can earn upto $. 0.02 - 0.03 per daily

Daily ads: 4+ Earning per click: $0.01 Earning per
ref click: $0.005 Minimum payout: $2 via Paypal / Alertpay /
Neteller (instant)ypal / Alertpay / Neteller (instant)

Owner: Miguel Caetano
Online since: May 2009
Gains per day just by clicking: about $0.03
Direct referrals limit: no limit
Referrals levels: 1 level (25%)
Payments by: Paypal
Cashout: $1.50
Others: many offers to complete, portuguese PTC.
Tip: Click "Surf These Links" on the PTC page to click the ads faster.

My payments received:

WordLinx - Get Paid To Click

Per click : 0.01 - 0.005 Per ref click : 5% Ads per day : 5 - 8
Payout : $10.00 Method : Paypal Payment time : INSTANT (5 seconds!)
Payment proofs : My proof 1 , Proof 2 Forum : No Online since : 2003
Comment : Always try to login several times everyday to get more ads
to click !

Incentria has a lot of ads everyday and you should view one ad only for 10 seconds.
And if you have to view one ad for more than 10 seconds, you receive more money for that.

10 sec. - $0.001
20 sec. - $0.002
30 sec. - $0.003
40 sec. - $0.004

In addition to clicking links, you can do sign-up offers and you get $0.10
for each completed offer. What is more, you don't have to worry if your
completed offer was unfairly denied-- all denied offers are checked by
the staff (usually by Admin himself) and if your sign-up was unfairly denied
the Admin will approve it and you'll receive your money.
But you should perform sign-up offers honestly --if the advertiser asks you
register on a certain site and be active for 3 days
there you should do that.
Also, this site has a low payout, just $1.


Trusted,Paying Site. Online since 2006.
Earnings:$0.003 Per Click
30% on Referral Earnings
Minimum to Cashout:$5
Payment:24 Hrs via Paypal

DonkeyMails.com: No Minimum Payout

Great,Trusted PTC Site.
There are many ways to earn.
Get Paid To:Paid2Click,Contest PTC,Point2Click,Manual surf,
Paid to Promote,Read Emails.
Minimum to Cashout:$1
Payment:Each 2 weeks via Paypal / Alertpay
5 Referral levels! You can earn extra cash with Referrals.

Per click : 0.00125 - 0.0025 - 0.005 Per ref click : 30% Ads per day
: 20 - 30 or so Payout : $2.00 Method : Alertpay / Paypal Payment
time : Few hours Payment proofs : My proof 1 , proof 2 , Proof 3
Forum : Yes Online since : December 2008 Comment :

Per click : 0.0008 - 0.001 Per ref click : 25% Ads per day : 40
Payout : $1.00 Method : Alertpay / Paypal Payment time : 24 hours
Payment proofs : Forum : Yes Online since : 1 November 2009 Comment

Daily ads: 4
Earning per click: $0.005
Earning per ref click: $0.0025
Minimum payout: $2 via Paypal / Alertpay (instant)
Payment proofs: 1st

$0.01 per click, 4-12 ads per day Click here to join GagaBux.
Well, there were some short periods when the site was unavailable
due to technical maintenance, but the admin kept thier members informed
regarding all these matters (When the site was unavailable you could see
the admin's blog with all relevant information). When the admin
keeps their members informed it's a good sign.

$0.01 per click, 4-12 ads per day, the site does pay.

For payment proof, please see this post. But do not invest into
the site before you test it completly (wait at least for several months).

Update on GagaBux
Well, the site is unavailable now.
According to their admin, they are currently performing some server
maintenance work.

Per click : 0.001 & 0.005 Per ref click : 50% Ads per day : 25 or so
Payout : $7.99 Method : Alertpay / Paypal Payment time : 45 business

Per click : 0.01 Per ref click : 10% Ads per day : 3 - 6 Payout :
$1.00 Method : Alertpay / Paypal Payment time : 24 hours ! Payment
proofs : Forum : Yes Online since : June 2009 Comment :

Recommended! Standard Member : upto $0.003 per click
$1 Payout-- Alertpay/Paypal You can earn upto $0.02 - 0.03 per daily